5 tips to optimize Off-site business management

5 tips to optimize Off-site business management

We understand Off-site business management as the mobility of field technicians in the development of their functions. For those companies with outsourced services, the optimisation of their resources is essential in order to provide an effective response in the performance of their services. Neither should we forget all those activities that the company outsources with the aim of expanding services and scaling the business, and therefore, the need to monitor and record those tasks that are being carried out

To optimise the displaced management it will be necessary to determine all those processes that make up the activity and to define all those tasks that make up the process and that will have to be performed to complete a service or a work order.

Optimising displaced management can be within the reach of any company, it does not have to mean a change in the way of working, nothing could be further from the truth. We understand that the tasks carried out in analogue, can be developed in an agile and efficient way, with advanced technology for the digital management of processes, adapting to the new digital environment

With these 5 tips to optimize Off-site business management we aim to focus attention on what’s really important. All the companies where we have implemented our system for the control of field activity agreed that it has helped them to significantly reduce paperwork, simplify the scheduling of the field team and improve the automatic dispatching of work orders to field technical staff.

5 tips to optimize Off-site business management

  1. Less is more, define the processes and set up the tasks your team has to carry out. 
  2. Easily and quickly dispatch work orders according to the skills of your field technicians.
  3. Scheduling activity optimising resources automatically.
  4. Save time, avoid paperwork and use the mobile technology at your fingertips.
  5. Focus on quality rather than quantity by incentivising productivity and cost savings.

Whatever the size of your company, Work&Track Mobile helps you to streamline your mobile management by responding to the most demanding needs of your sector of activity, intelligently planning services, digitally transforming your business with the help of the most advanced technology for digital process management.

Call us on +41 41 560 00 71 or write to sales@workandtrack.mobi. Whatever you prefer. But don’t hesitate to ask us.





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