Form designer

Whay they should do, step by step

Planificador de rutas

Workers in mobility need to know at all times what they should do, how and when. With the Work&Track Mobile form designer you can coordinate, according to your needs, all the activities of the company.
The form designer, integrated in Work & Track Mobile, allows you to add or remove elements by dragging the selectors to the list thanks to the Drag-and-drop technology in an easy and intuitive way to collect the data you need, always in the same conditions and format.
The forms, linked to work processes, will indicate to the employee the tasks to be performed, in their correct order, while reporting the necessary information to the work center, instantly.

The Work&Track Mobile form designer allows you to:
- Client signature
- Attach files
- Date
- Routes
- Text and numeric fields
- Code reader
- Yes / No decisions
- And much more...