Workflow software
Cleaning services

Software servicios de limpieza

Workflow software
Cleaning services

Software servicios de limpieza

Workflow software
Cleaning services

Housekeeping services, Office Cleaning services, proffesional cleaners, building services technical support, facilities support services, special cleaning services.

Workflow software for cleaning services

A user-friendly and powerful software for companies with cleaning services.

Where resource planning in operations and coordination of cleaning staff are essentials for a constantly evolving sector, with mobile self-reporting activity, in a simple and efficient way.

What advantages could Work&Track Mobile business software bring to you?

  • Task planning management
  • Easy work order assignments to the team in the field, through an easy-to-use mobile app.
  • Real-time overview of who is working and where (interactive map).
  • Working time control and checklist setups, available to handle with digital attachments.
  • Document exportation.

Work&Track is a suitable software for: many companies in the cleaning services sector because, at the same time they save costs (-20%), they can assume other high demand projects.

The implementation process ready in the company in just 72 hours! No in-house specialists are needed for integration. All the software is in the cloud and the only thing employees need to do is, to download the Work&Track App on their smartphones.

Contact us. Let's discuss your needs, goals, and implementation requirements.

Send us an email to or simply call us to +41 (0)41 56 00 71.

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