Why integrate the Field Service System into an ERP?

Why integrate the Field Service System into an ERP?

Benefits of Field Service integration in ERP

Work&Track Mobile is the most complete Field Service tool for integrating field activity into the rest of the business processes of any ERP management system.

Controlling the Field Service Management of field service personnel in the ERP management software provides the following benefits:

  • Digitisation of fieldwork: Build your customised work orders, according to your company’s usual activity.
  • Planning and dispatching of tasks: Plan work and assign tasks comfortably to all your staff, adjusting working times to get the best out of your resources and services.
  • Real-time location and control: Register the activity of your outsourced or subcontracted workers and services. Know their location and send work orders to the nearest service. React immediately to any incidents that occur, maximise the quality of the service provided and optimise resources.
  • Activity report and analysis of results: Provides your team with an effective tool to share the progress of their work and with which they can export customised documents. Analyse the efficiency of the work performed, detecting points of improvement and optimising overall efficiency.
  • Optimisation of work routes: Creates the perfect route for a series of Work Orders and Candidates. It is a way of distributing the work to be done on a certain date.

Other benefits of Field Service integration into ERP system

  • Increased productivity: The ease with which data can be entered, modified or consulted in the management software means a reduction in the time required for each process and an improvement in productivity. Doing more with fewer resources.
  • Cost savings: By increasing productivity and improving commuting, commuting costs are reduced and the relationship between wage costs and the productivity of each employee is improved, which increases the profitability and competitiveness of the company.
  • Lower environmental costs: The reduction of paperless office and the digitalisation of processes, the reduction of unnecessary journeys or the optimisation of routes, is directly related to the reduction of CO2 emissions and therefore results in a lower environmental cost.

Technical requirements for the integration with Work&Track Mobile

The Work&Track Mobile Field Service system has open Web Services that allow transparent integration with external systems. Data from Work&Track Mobile can be exported to accounting systems, ERPs, BI tools, cashback platforms

Work&Track Mobile with its complete API of REST services facilitates integration with any software used by the company or its clients. Under the Oauth2 authorisation standard, you will be able to access all the information and carry out any operation on data through our Web Services.

The documentation of our web services is available in Swagger format to make it easier to understand all available functionalities and data formats.

In addition, there are no limitations on consultation or use, so that as many requests as necessary can be made to integrate the system into the company’s ERP.


If you have any questions, call us on +41 41 560 00 71 or write to us at sales@workandtrack.mobi. Whichever you prefer. We will be happy to show you how to manage all Field Service activity with Work&Track Mobile in your ERP management system.





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