How can maintenance management be optimized?

How can maintenance management be optimized?

We find that today’s technical field services are faced with a lack of resources when it comes to resolving incidents, whether en route, in the workplace or during customer service. With Computer Maintenance Management (CMM) the ability to remotely solve or allow customers and users to solve problems themselves and creates greater efficiency and productivity across the service provided.

Technical maintenance teams are faced with the challenge of solving problems in increasingly complex situations. Using computer-assisted software adapted to their mobile service, such as a mobile app, problems can be best resolved remotely so that work can be completed efficiently and safely.

How can the company’s CMMS maintenance management be improved?

Regardless of the sector of activity (energy and utilities, facilities, logistics, infrastructure companies, etc.) and the type of intervention carried out (installation, TSS, preventive maintenance, quality control, corrective maintenance, inspections, asset management, etc.), CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) or AMS (Asset Monitoring Solution) improves all maintenance management by 5 basic points:

  1. It will make it possible to configure all the components that are part of an installation, its areas, systems, subsystems, equipment, elements and components that make up the maintenance management that is managed with the software.
  2. It will efficiently execute the management of work orders, organization, classification and configuration of all the relevant information of each work order, whether it is preventive, corrective, predictive or of any other type that the system establishes.
  3.  It will allow several administrators and users to access their personalized information and at the same time and/or from different points to all the data stored in the software.
  4. It will rigorously control the preventive maintenance of work orders through a simple check-list, establishing a control status of tasks performed and their programming in the short, medium and long term.
  5. It must show the indicators that allow to know all the users of the process in the system, that everything is going well or if there are aspects that can be improved.

What are the benefits of CMMS software?

  • You know where each professional is, so you can assign the work order to the closest one and reduce waiting times for the client.
  • You can attend to emergencies with total agility.
  • You keep your clients informed about the status of each intervention.
  • The client can choose via their mobile phone who will attend them, at what time and follow the route of the chosen professional in real time.
  • Customers can use their mobile phones to rate the attention received after the service has been provided.

With the aim of optimising all maintenance management processes during the life cycle of the installation, it is possible to implement Field Service technology in a CRM or ERP, in order to enhance interactions with customers, properly manage contacts and, above all, have a good understanding of asset management, since a failure or inadequate maintenance means an unsatisfied customer.

What else does a CMMS software cover in maintenance management?

A CMMS software as a Field Service solution implemented also covers the entire sales cycle within the company, from its commercial management, as well as the integral management of orders, allowing to create a direct and fast communication channel with customers and to face a project that allows: optimizing routes and planning them, locating the displaced service, managing users, designing forms and processes, signing on screen, reading codes, loading files, GPS navigator, integrated chat or control of working hours, among others.

And also, to unify all the information of the maintenance management in a single place and in its corresponding department of operations, to solve many of the incidences without having to displace a technician, generating additional savings and fulfilling times.

By means of predictive maintenance with IoT thanks to sensors that control all the parameters of the installations in real time, it prevents incidents in order to minimise and avoid breaks in planning and to be able to focus maintenance management on offering a better service to the customer.





Best practices with field service technology

Field service management for the energy and utility industry