How to monitor employees during their field services?

How to monitor employees during their field services?

How to locate the field service team during services?

Locating your field service team via mobile device is easier now in comparison when it was analog, and hence, let it be said, much more efficient using the Work&Track platform, the most complete employees monitoring software in the market for the field service management.

As you already know, mobile technologies are making easier our daily routine with field service management. The smartphones with unlimited data and 5G are contributing to make communications in the field faster and accessible, which means lots of information between employees with a minimal effort.

When a company monitors employees, whether they are salespeople, courier staff, or technicians in the field, is essential to understand and manage precisely where their locations are to deliver smart services for many reasons:

  • Know if they have already reached the place where they are to carry out the service.
  • Know, in real time, if they have started and finished the scheduled activity on time.
  • Locate how far they are from a new express service.
  • Analyze if there has been an incident or anomaly.
  • Locate where the closest partner is to give him the reply

To improve communications and reduce papework or unnecesary telephone calls, that slow down field service operations, Work&Track Mobile give and report information about work processes making use of a field service app in real-time and even without internet access.

So, is there any efficient way to monitor employees routes?

Yes, indeed. One of the characteristics of the employees monitoring software Work&Track Mobile, is the real-time route optimizer, which has been created to manage strategic decisions, minimizing unnecessary journeys and acting, in an agile way, before any notice or unexpected situation happens, increasing field service efficiency significantly.

¿Is legal?

Yes, but only if the employees are aware of being geolocated by the app and are giving express consent in the use of their data and navigations. Anyway, limits of the European Data Protection Regulation do not have to be exceeded and respect resting times, working hours, or vacation periods according to work agreements and regulations.

Work&Track Mobile, field service and fleet management platform with a powerful route optimizer tool, will allow companies to streamline the field services employees daily work offering agile and efficient response to customers needs.





> Field Service Management Software (FSM)

> Work&Track Mobile FSM and Fleet Platform