How to be more efficient when scheluding technical assistance services?
Use scheduling software solutions to be more efficient in supervision and inspection technical assistance services. Software for Scheduling and Planning can monitor, optimize and automatically manage on-site repair and maintenance services easily and efficiently.
In a high-volume of service assistance requests, the scheduling software can be a powerful tool for driving an optimal repair and maintenance service response to any work request, by using all available information on routes, geographic location, technical staff availability and customer specifications.
Work orders are automatically sent to the mobile of field technician, transferring all the necessary information, scheluding technical assistance services according to the company’s available resources.
A software like Work&Track Mobile provides the optimal result in the scheluding of technical services for planning, modifying or canceling a visit to a specific order, or arranging visits consecutively for a set of work orders for any technical assistance service carried out by the company.

What are scheluding software solutions for?
The scheduling software tools are the automatic solution for the concertation of technical assistance services. The intelligent management of work orders makes it possible to adapt the timing availability of technicians to the work demand made in real time. The system reflects the details of the service orders and allows to obtain fast and efficient information on previous scheduling attempts, their geographical location together with the time ranges (slots) in which the order can be scheduled, or to report an unsuccessful scheduling attempt.
When coordinating technical field service teams, the Map of service orders offers an exact geographic location of each work order, along with the status of the orders that have been arranged in the scheduling time intervals that we have in the grid, reflecting those services that the responsible technicians are carrying out.
In order to meet the needs of the customer and that each work order is being transferred to each technician at the right time, the scheduling software tool allow us to ensure a right scheduling of technical assistance services.
The scheluding software solutions will allow us to:
- Efficient management of available resources: based on work schedules, services, work orders and routes.
- Configure routes and route plans: showing the system the regular work routes and the number of field technician in charge of each one.
- Systematic scheluding: to facilitate arranging a visit for a specific order or to arrange serial visits for a set of orders.
- Shape routes in a simple way: placing process and location restrictions on our routes, so that the scheduling takes this into account when offering the dispatcher the slots actually available for each order and takes into account the technicians available in each geographical area for each time window.
- Generate master routes: limit the route’s operations to a specific group of processes.

Who is in charge of managing the Scheluding software?
The scheluding software tools are mainly aimed at two technical profiles of managers:
- The platform dispatcher, whose main objective is to respond to telephone requests for service assistance appointments.
- The contract dispatcher, who is responsible for the organization and scheluding of field technicians assigned to him/her, and who will be in charge of setting up the days and times for the service, as well as of systematically concertation of sets of orders.
What are the benefits of arranging a scheluding system?
- The process setup is simple.
- Provides information on the date and timeslot in which the order is scheduled, and the timeslot in which the customer will expect to receive the field technician at home.
- It provides information on the company’s usual work routes and the number of field technicians in charge of each of them.
- Generates information about the concertation windows.
- Create as many master routes as a contractor needs based on the different schedules or restrictions that are useful to them.
- Creates routes constrained to certain processes, or with geographic restrictions within the contractor’s orders.
- Customize all the route plans you need, for working days, for holidays, for busier or more relaxed times of the year, for special campaigns.
- Monitoring nearby orders from the listing on the map allows you to arrange with a greater geographical perspective.
- It offers a scheluding log to help with concertation activities for the order.
- Displays a map view showing the status of the order and time range covered.
- Allows to modify the distances that will make the system consider other orders as very close, close, medium distance or far from the selected order.
- Dispatches the order directly to the field service manager’s cell phone.
The effective management of service planning is the key to improving productivity. Arranging technical services means being able to take on more tasks with fewer resources to reach the next level of business optimization.
Streamlining processes and services with the appropriate technological support means considerable savings in time and resources that could be devoted to other activities to generate added value for the company.
If you have any questions please call us at (+34) 91 575 18 06 or write us at Whatever you prefer. We will be happy to give you more information on how to effectively plan your SAT support services with Work&Track Mobile’s scheduling software tools. Or you can request an ONLINE DEMO and see how it works. Welcome to the intelligent management of TSS technical assistance services.