Software for gas installers

Software for gas installers

Adapting technology to SMEs with gas distribution services

Both SMEs and large companies in the gas distribution sector find in the software for gas installers a complete tool that streamlines their daily operations. In companies where there is a high number of maintenance services, repairs and gas installations, the processes and tasks to be carried out during the service multiply. Therefore, to facilitate the management of services and carry out the largest number of gas inspections in the most comfortable and safe way, we have created the most efficient tool for gas installers.

Manage your technical services quickly and easily:

  • Better organize out-of-office staff in real time.
  • Connect and send service orders to gas installers during their work on the road.
  • Plan your needs and visualize it graphically on a map via GPS.
  • At a glance you will have an overview of the status of your service orders.
  • Calculate routes and optimize visits for each installer.
  • A very practical solution for installers who work with mobile devices.
  • Set up processes via mobile and use “zero paper”.
  • Perform jobs with complex processes by following digital forms on the move.
  • Your technical service is always ready and organized to assist in time to any gas incident.
  • Generate with the mobile terminal the precise graphic documentation to incorporate into the report.

More advanced planning

Programs for gas distribution companies allow you to accurately generate task schedules:

  • Assign tasks directly to your team by dragging the form to your timeline.
  • Set a maximum execution time for the task.
  • We will know which tasks are most profitable for the business.
  • Optimize resources to obtain greater benefit from those that are not.
  • Anticipate unforeseen events, sending the nearest worker to a location in real time.

Documentary management, organize the collected information

Registering and consulting all the documentation related to a particular service is easy in gas distribution companies, all the information is stored in the cloud with encrypted access to: plans, photos, spreadsheets, contracts, inspection forms…

Customize the software according to your needs

Work&Track Mobile adapts to the needs of technical field service management and thanks to its flexibility, it is possible to configure the digital management of installation notifications from the cell phone… Business Intelligence for companies that manage their activity outside the company to save time and money. Develop your business successfully, making the best decisions:  

Gain in control and efficiency in the displaced services, and translate it into a reduction of direct costs in the income statement.

At Work&Track Mobile we provide IT solutions for gas installation companies, using very intuitive and easy to use software that contemplates different needs related to the world of gas distribution, electricity, plumbing, solar energy, thermal power plants, wind power installations, etc.

In short, Tech service software saves costs and time. It is a quality tool that automates processes and allows data analysis to work much more efficiently and make your activity profitable.




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