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Your client, always informed

Everyday is more important to increase productivity, reduce costs and meet customer demands. With Work&Track Mobile, your business can benefit from a permanently connected field template.
Thanks to the mobile app, your mobile staff can record all kinds of data, such as time spent on each task, GPS location, or capturing valuable information.
A photograph, or a video is the best proof of a service performed successfully and without incident.
Work&Track Mobile allows the exchange of all kinds of files, to send documentation to technicians, and to receive from them photos, videos, audio, PDF documents or any other type of files associated with their work reports so that all tasks are well documented.
All information is available on the web platform to increase productivity and efficiency. The tool provides a complete view of all activities and their status in real time to be able to communicate the information to your customers with maximum accuracy and instantly.
It gives your customers an image of quality and safety.
Work&Track Mobile is fully configurable and adapts to your business needs.